THE Executive Council
ICTAZ is managed by the Executive Council and Secretariat. The Executive Council is a Board of Directors who are elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). And these comprise of: President, Vice President, Chairpersons of Various Committees, Committee Members and Professional Ethics and Compliance Members. Below is the Current Executive Council:

Clement Mulenga Sinyangwe

Mbewe Sarah Beza
Vice President

Bwalya Chisulo
National Secretary

Jessie Chandalala
National Treasurer

Abel Kabwe
Membership Chairperson

Andrew Kampolo
Professional Development Chairperson

Daniel Chibesakunda
Technical Affairs Chairperson

George Mwale
Midlands Chairperson

Ebo Mutembo Mpengula
Northern Region Chairperson

Samuel Muzata

Malita Kabukabu Ng’andu
Committee Member

Mbulo Kabuwa

Malala Simungala
Committee Member

Mainza S. Handongwe

Brian Chungu